The most important results in the history of the Institute
In the field of photobiology and biophysics

The concept of chlorophyll biosynthesis centers was put forward and substantiated. The metabolic heterogeneity of chlorophyll in the plant has been proven. The renewal of chlorophyll molecules was found, which occurs throughout the life of a green leaf. The possibility of interconversion of chlorophylls a and b has been established. The conjugation of chlorophyll biosynthesis with chlorophyll-protein complexes of the photosynthetic apparatus was revealed. It was shown that regulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis is carried out according to the principle of negative feedback

The concept of independent functioning, physical separation, the participation of different isoenzymes and different mechanisms of control of chlorophyll and heme synthesis systems in plant chloroplast, starting from the formation of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), has been developed

The principal possibility of using the chlorophyll biosynthesis system as a target of a new generation of herbicides - photodynamic herbicides - is shown. The theoretical foundations for the creation of photodynamic herbicides have been developed, new compositions of these compounds and technologies for their use in agricultural practice have been created

The regularities of the biological action of abiotic and biotic environmental factors at the level of the membrane and intracellular structures of animal and plant cells have been established. In the field of visual reception, photoregulatory reactions in photoreceptor cells, structural dynamics of rhodopsin pigment, and retinal membranes were studied. In the field of plant photoreception, an original method for isolating the phytochrome photoreceptor has been developed. The role in the transduction chain of phytochrome, phytohormonal, and stress signals of such intermediates as calcium ions, cyclic mononucleotides, products of the activity of phosphoinositide-dependent phospholipase C, phospholipase D, and nitric oxide was shown. The participation of calcium, phospholipid, NO-synthase signaling systems in the development of plant response to temperature, mechanical, oxidative stress has been shown

Genetic engineering approaches have been introduced to study biophysical and molecular biological processes in plant and animal cells. Transgenic plants have been created that synthesize physiologically active substances (antimicrobial peptides, ALA synthase, and chicken alpha interferon) and transgenic plants in which gene expression is suppressed (potato and tobacco plants with a construct to inhibit phospholipase C and phytochrome). Cloned genes of regulatory proteins of the retina and human lymphocytes

The participation of protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) in the biosynthesis of chlorophyll in green plants has been proven. Heterogeneity of localization of intraplastic POR was found: the enzyme was found in the plastid envelope and on the outer side of gran tilacodes. It was shown that POR is stable only in combination with enzymes of the chlorophyll biosynthesis system. The dynamism of the system of internal membranes of etioplasts was revealed and the important structural role of carotenoids of the violaxanthin cycle in the process of aggregation-disaggregation of complexes of protochlorophyllide with proteins was shown

The dependence of the effectiveness of stress effects (hyperthermia, dehydration) on the structure and function of intraplastid membranes of cereals on the stages of chloroplast biogenesis and the key role of the functioning photosynthetic apparatus in plant protection under stress was established. A stabilizing effect of low-intensity light on the structural and functional state of photosynthetic membranes of cereals during hyperthermia and the phenomenon of cross-adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus under the sequential action of hyperthermia and high-intensity light were found

The concept of increasing the productivity and resistance of cereal plants is substantiated on the basis of optimization of the structural and functional state of the photosynthetic apparatus by genetic and agrotechnical methods. The concept contributes to the realization of the productivity potential of modern varieties of grain crops in a changing environment
In the field of cellular, membrane and molecular biophysics

A solid-frame, liquid-mosaic model of biomembranes is postulated, the concept of a stressed metastable state of biomembranes and its role in the regulation of biochemical and physiological processes is created and substantiated

Foundations of membrane ozonobiology have been created. New technologies for local asepticization of drinking water and storage of fruits and vegetables have been developed, as well as effective biotechnology for obtaining ATP and other physiologically active substances from yeast biomass using ozone

The physicochemical factors for obtaining nanoliposomal forms of compounds of a hydrophobic nature have been established. Technologies for obtaining effective liposomal forms of drugs have been developed: an anti-tuberculosis antibiotic for inhalation, antiviral drugs, cytostatics, a vitamin preparation with increased bioavailability (liposomal β-carotene) and a fatty acid complex "Bien" (analog of lung surfactant)

The molecular and membrane mechanisms of neurotransmission have been established in normal conditions and in various pathologies. The molecular mechanisms of synapse damage in hypoglycemia have been identified

The Republican Scientific Medical Center "Cellular Technologies" was established at the Institute

It has been established that oxidative stress induced by physicochemical factors in human blood cells is accompanied by changes in the microviscosity of the lipid bilayer and structural modification of peripheral and integral membrane proteins, as well as inhibition of the activity of membrane-bound enzymes and morphological transformations of cells. The role of oxidative stress in the development of a number of diseases and in the pathology of pregnancy has been revealed.
The molecular-membrane mechanisms of action of toxic and potentially toxic microelements (lead, zinc, aluminum, selenium, etc.) have been determined and it has been shown that toxic microelements damage the membranes of blood cells of children at concentrations that are an order of magnitude lower than the maximum permissible. An increase in the expression of proteins associated with multidrug resistance in cells in the presence of toxic microelements in the body was found.
The nature of intrinsic and probe luminescence of cells, biopsies of tissues and biological fluids (blood plasma, amniotic and synovial fluids, exhaled air condensates) in health and disease has been studied, and a number of methods have been developed for photodiagnostics of human diseases

A new biophysical mechanism for the regulation of proteome activity in health and disease has been established, which is realized by transforming the structural-dynamic state of proteins against the background of the relative constancy of their composition. A fluctuation model of enzyme-substrate interactions is proposed.
A new method was developed for studying the slow (millisecond) intramolecular dynamics of the structure of membrane proteins in situ. The method is based on the registration of kinetic parameters of tryptophan phosphorescence at room temperature of proteins