Dissertation Supervisory Committee
At the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, there is a Dissertation Supervisory Committee D 01.37.01 – specialty “03.01.02 – biophysics” (biological sciences).
The term of office of the committee is from 05.11.2020 to 04.11.2023.
Chairman of the Committee:
Doctor of biological sciences, corresponding member of the National academy of sciences of Belarus, professor Ekaterina I. Slobozhanina
Scientific secretary of the committee:
Candidate of biological sciences Lyudmila M. Lukyanenko
Scientific secretary tel.:
+375 (17) 351 58 56;
e-mail: lukyanenko@gmail.com
Chairman tel.:
+375 (17) 303-59-96;
e-mail: slobozhanina@ibp.org.by