Council of Young Scientists
The Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is a permanent public body under the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. SMU NAS Belarus is a permanent public body operating under the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus. The Council heads the system of councils for young scientists at the Academy of Sciences and coordinates its work.
Councils of young scientists have been created at the organizations and the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in order to increase the participation of young scientists in the development of the scientific potential of the Academy, overcoming negative trends in the age structure of scientific personnel, the formation of science policy and the integration of science and education.
In its work, the Council is guided by the Regulation on the councils of young scientists at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
In the Institute biophysics and cell engineering on the 18 of December new members of the Council were chosen: