Department of cell therapy
The structure of the Institute has a medical unit – the Department of Cell Therapy (after this – DCT).
The department is headed by a surgeon O.A. Kozlov.
The idea of creating our clinical base to use modern scientific achievements in the field of regenerative medicine and cellular technologies for the development and implementation of new methods of treating diseases was implemented in 2014. Based on the scientific and production potential of the Institute, today DCT is a specialized outpatient clinic, where unique possibilities of using biomedical cell products (after this – BMCP) are embodied.
The most critical tasks of DCT are:
– development and testing of new methods of treating human diseases using cellular technologies, as well as ways to assess their effectiveness;
– development of methodological and clinical documentation in order to introduce new cellular treatment technologies into medical practice;
– provision of advisory assistance to health care organizations and scientific medical organizations of the Republic of Belarus on the use of BMCP;
– dissemination and popularization of knowledge about modern cell technologies for the treatment and prevention of human diseases.
The solution to such problems is provided by the main function of DCT – the provision of specialized outpatient medical care, involving the use of innovative methods of cell therapy and the use of BMCP.
The therapeutic and diagnostic work of OCT is organized within the framework of a license for medical activities in such areas as surgery, oncology, therapeutic dentistry, ultrasound diagnostics, immunological laboratory diagnostics. The methods of cell therapy mastered by DCT specialists make it possible to effectively combat several oncological diseases, chronic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, chronic wounds, and periodontal diseases. A great deal of experience has been accumulated in performing local cell transplants for trophic ulcers and gingival recession, in conducting injection cell therapy for osteoarthritis of large joints, as well as in immunotherapy of oncological diseases using dendritic cells.
For high-tech medical interventions, DCT is equipped with an aseptic unit with an operating room, a room for working with cells, and a sterilization room. The GMP certified ventilation system with sterile air supply provides ideal conditions for the use of BMCP. The manipulations necessary during cell therapy are performed in the dressing and treatment room. There are two comfortable day rooms for patients.
The staff of DCT includes specialists of the first and highest qualification categories, real professionals in their field, with unique experience in the application of cellular treatment technologies.
Contact Information:
tel. +375 17 378 18 21
mob. tel. +375 44 574 18 21