Directions of fundamental and applied scientific research of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
In the field of medical biotechnology
1. Genetic engineering
development of innovative biomedical cellular products based on genetically modified cells
2. Immunology and allergology
development of new methods of treatment and diagnosis of allergic diseases and immune dysfunctions
3. Innovative vaccines
development of prototypes of national DNA and RNA vaccines for the prevention of viral diseases
4. New approaches to diagnostics
development of new technologies for early diagnosis of diseases and methods of personalized medicine aimed at improving the quality of human life
5. Genome editing
somatic, induced pluripotent stem cells, which will allow to treat diseases, including orphan, genetic
6. Synthetic morphogenesis
including tissue and organ engineering
In the field of bioinformatics technologies
1. Structure-based design of new generation drugs, development of innovative targeted antitumor and antiviral drugs using structural bioinformatics methods
2. Synthesis of targeted drugs and their testing under in vitro conditions
In the field of nanotheranostics and personalized nanomedicine
1. Development of means of targeted delivery of therapeutic drugs of a new generation using nanomaterials
2. Development of biological nanochips for diagnosis of diseases.
3. Research of biocompatible nanomaterials of a wide range of action for the creation of biomedical cellular products, artificial organs, fundamentally new materials with antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity.
Activities of the Center for Experimental and Applied Virology
1. Cultivation of viruses
development of new methods of cultivation of human viruses for the creation of means of diagnostics, medical prevention and treatment of viral diseases
2. Creation of vaccine prototypes
against influenza (inactivated and recombinant)
against African swine fever (vector)
against pulmonary tuberculosis (therapeutic based on donor dendritic cells)
innovative drugs against influenza