National Contact Point "Health, demographic change and well-being of the population"
By order of the State Committee for Science and Technology dated 03.31.2014 “On the development of cooperation with the European Union in the field of science and innovation" in the Republic of Belarus, a network of national contact points (NCPs) of the EU Framework Program for Science and Innovation “Horizon 2020" was created.
The Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has been identified as the National Contact Point (NCP) of the 7FP EU and the EU Horizon 2020 program in the priority area “Health, demographic changes and well-being of the population".
One of the coordinators of the direction “Health, demographic changes and well-being of the population" is the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, doctor of biological sciences, professor Igor D. Volotovsky