Determination of the content of circulating tumor cells
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are cancer cells that have separated from an existing malignant tumor in the body and entered the general bloodstream.
The fact of the presence of CTCs in the blood and the determination of their number is a valuable independent prognostic sign that allows one to determine the degree of progression of a malignant process and draw conclusions about a favorable or unfavorable prognosis for a patient with metastatic oncological diseases. Determination of the CTCs content before starting a new course of anticancer drug therapy or immunotherapy makes it possible to establish a starting point in assessing the patient’s condition for subsequent monitoring of progress in the treatment of cancer. The Institute has developed quantitative indicators of the CTCs content for various types of tumors.
Clinical objectives of the study to determine the content of CTCs:
- screening for tumor progression;
- assessment of the risk of disease recurrence or progression of metastasis (prognostic information);
- monitoring of treatment in real-time.
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+375 (17) 378 18 21
+375 (44) 574 18 21 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram)