Vladislav M. Ivaskevich - Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering
Vladislav M. Ivaskevich
doctor of ultrasound diagnostics of the highest qualification category
Candidate of Medical Sciences


Tel. +375 (17) 327 51 49
e-mail: vlad_ivashkevich@mail.ru

He graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1985, in 2011 he underwent retraining in ultrasound diagnostics.
Total work experience in health care for more than 40 years, worked at the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics, dealt with the problems of treating complicated injuries of the knee joint, which was the subject of his dissertation work. Has published works and a patent for an invention.
Head of the department of ultrasound diagnostics of the Healthcare Institution “2nd City Clinical Hospital of Minsk”.
A high-class specialist both in the field of classical ultrasound diagnostics and in the field of regenerative traumatology, he has mastered the technique of cell transplantation for the pathology of the musculoskeletal system with ultrasound imaging.