Conditions for referral to VAT for diagnosing drug allergies
1. Patient history indicating immediate hypersensitivity to the drug (presence of IgE antibodies on basophils)
2. At least 4 weeks after the acute allergic reaction (immediately after the reaction there is an extremely low number of basophils in the peripheral blood)
3. Too long a period after the reaction (more than two years) can also lead to undetectable specific IgE (optimally if no more than 1 year has passed)
4. Blood for research is not stored; VAT should be performed no more than 4 hours after collection (basophils are rather fragile cells and can degranulate during long-term transportation or sudden temperature changes)
5. Considering that the study does not require the patient’s serum, the condition of blood sampling on an empty stomach is not mandatory (a light breakfast, especially important for children, is not an indication for canceling blood sampling).
6. A contraindication for the study is the prescription of systemic glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics. Taking antihistamines is not a contraindication for the study.