Hanna P. Ruban - Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering
Hanna P. Ruban
Head of Department, allergist-immunologist, PhD, associate professor


Tel. +375(17) 378 18 21
e-mail: annaruban7@yandex.ru

Obshchiy vrachebnyy stazh 29 let. Okonchila pediatricheskiy fakul’tet MGMI v 1995 g., klinicheskuyu ordinatoru po pediatrii na kafedry detskikh bolezney BGMU v 2002 g., aspiranturu na kafedre pediatrii BelMAPO v 2005 g. 2005-2022 gg. rabotala assistentom, zatem dotsentom kafedry poliklinicheskoy pediatrii, posle — kafedry pediatrii BelMAPO. V 2006 g. zashchitila dissertatsiyu na zvaniye kandidata meditsinskikh nauk na temu «Struktura predraspolozhennosti i sposob pervichnogo prognoza bronkhial’noy astmy u detey» po spetsial’nosti 14.00.09 – pediatriya. V 2010 g. – prisvoyeno nauchnoye zvaniye dotsenta po spetsial’nosti «Klinicheskaya meditsina». S kontsa 2022 g. – v.n.s. laboratorii immunologii i virusologii GNU «Institut biofiziki i kletochnoy inzhenerii NAN Belarusi» i dotsent kafedry obshchey vrachebnoy praktiki UO BGMU. Doktorant kafedry klinicheskoy farmakologii UO BGMU, tema dissertatsionnogo issledovaniya na soiskaniye stepeni d.m.n. «Ostryye allergicheskiye reaktsii u detey: diagnostika i meditsinskaya profilaktika» po spetsial’nosti 14.01.08 – pediatriya. S 17.06.2024 — zaveduyushchiy otdeleniyem kletochnoy terapii GNU «Institut biofiziki i kletochnoy inzhenerii NAN Belarusi» Osnovnyye napravleniya nauchnoy i prakticheskoy deyatel’nosti – kletochnaya terapiya, allergologiya, immunologiya, immunoprofilaktika, a takzhe revmatologiya i kardiologiya detskogo vozrasta. Opublikovala boleye 180 nauchnykh i uchebno-metodicheskikh rabot, v tom chisle 1 monografiyu, spravochnik (v soavtorstve), 18 uchebno-metodicheskikh posobiy, 3 instruktsii po primeneniyu, utverzhdennykh MZ RB. Chlen Ekspertnogo soveta po immunizatsii MZ RB.
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Total medical experience is 29 years.
Graduated from the pediatric faculty of Moscow State Medical Institute in 1995, clinical resident in pediatrics at the department of children’s diseases of Belarusian State Medical University in 2002, postgraduate study at the department of pediatrics of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in 2005.
2005-2022 she worked as an assistant, then as an associate professor of the department of outpatient pediatrics, after – the department of pediatrics of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
In 2006, she defended her dissertation for the title of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “The structure of predisposition and the method of primary prognosis of bronchial asthma in children” in the specialty 14.00.09 – pediatrics.
In 2010 – awarded the scientific title of associate professor in the specialty “Clinical Medicine”.
Since the end of 2022 – leading researcher. Laboratory of Immunology and Virology of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” and Associate Professor of the Department of General Medical Practice of the UO BSMU.
Doctoral student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the UO BSMU, the topic of the dissertation research for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences “Acute allergic reactions in children: diagnostics and medical prevention” in the specialty 14.01.08 – pediatrics.
Since 17.06.2024 – Head of the Department of Cell Therapy of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”
The main areas of scientific and practical activities are cell therapy, allergology, immunology, immunoprophylaxis, as well as pediatric rheumatology and cardiology.
Published more than 180 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 1 monograph, a reference book (co-authored), 18 educational-methodical manuals, 3 instructions for use, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Member of the Expert Council on Immunization of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.