Scientific achievements and developments
For the entire period of the laboratory existence
1. Participation of protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) in chlorophyll biosynthesis in green plants has been proven. The heterogeneity of localization of the intraplastid POR was found: the enzyme was found in the plastid membrane and on the outer side of the thylacods of the grana. It has been shown that POR is stable only in combination with enzymes of the chlorophyll biosynthesis system. The dynamics of the system of internal membranes of etioplasts was revealed and the important structural role of carotenoids of the violaxanthin cycle in the process of aggregation-disaggregation of protochlorophyllide complexes with proteins was shown.
2. The dependence of the effectiveness of stress effects (hyperthermia, dehydration) on the structure and functions of the intraplastid membranes of cereals on the stages of chloroplast biogenesis and the key role of the functioning photosynthetic apparatus in plant protection under stress conditions have been proven. The stabilizing effect of low-intensity light on the structural and functional state of photosynthetic membranes of cereals under hyperthermia and the phenomenon of cross-adaptation of the photosynthesis apparatus under the successive action of hyperthermia and high-intensity light have been established.
3. The concept of increasing the productivity and resistance of cereal plants based on the optimization of the structural and functional state of the photosynthetic apparatus by genetic and agrotechnical methods is substantiated. The concept contributes to the realization of the productivity potential of modern varieties of grain crops in changing environmental conditions.
For last 5 years
- The participation of protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) in the biosynthesis of chlorophyll in green plants has been proven. Heterogeneous localization of the intra- plastid POR was found: the enzyme was found in the plastid membrane and on the outer side of the thylacods of the grana. It has been shown that POR is stable only in combination with enzymes of the chlorophyll biosynthesis system. The dynamics of the system of internal membranes of etioplasts was revealed and the important structural role of carotenoids of the violaxanthin cycle in the process of aggregation-disaggregation of protochlorophyllide complexes with proteins was shown.
- The dependence of the effectiveness of stress effects (hyperthermia, dehydration) on the structure and functions of the intraplastid membranes of cereals on the stages of chloroplast biogenesis and the key role of the functioning photosynthetic apparatus in plant protection under stress conditions have been proven. The stabilizing effect of low-intensity light on the structural and functional state of photosynthetic membranes of cereals under hyperthermia and the phenomenon of cross-adaptation of the photosynthesis apparatus under the successive action of hyperthermia and high-intensity light have been established.
- The concept of increasing the productivity and stability of cereal plants based on the optimization of the structural and functional state of the photosynthetic apparatus by genetic and agrotechnical methods is substantiated. The concept contributes to the realization of the productivity potential of modern varieties of grain crops in changing environmental conditions.
- Under in vivo and in vitro conditions, the species specificity of the action of salicylic acid (SA) as an inducer of the synthesis of plant antioxidants of a polyphenolic nature, as well as the dependence of the stimulation of the content of phenolic compounds on the degree of differentiation of plant tissues, was found. For the first time in the callus tissues of red beans and peanuts grown in white light, stimulation of the accumulation of phenols as a result of the action of SA was obtained, including the synthesis of resveratrol in tissue cultures of peanuts in vitro.
- The molecular-membrane mechanisms of the response of spring barley plants under the combined action of hyperthermia and the pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana Shoem (Sacc.). – the causative agent of a widespread disease of dark brown spotting were elucidated. The method of testing phytopathogenic infection of spring barley Bipolaris sorokiniana Shoem (Sacc.)using indicators of oxidative stress, which greatly simplifies the procedure for diagnosing the disease, has been scientifically substantiated.
- The mechanisms of the immune response in tomato leaves during fusarium wilt and the protective role of β-1,3-glucan in stabilizing the structural and functional state of the photosynthetic apparatus and oxidative processes in plant cells during pathogenesis have been established. The results obtained were implemented in the creation of an environmentally friendly plant growth regulator IMMUNAKT-GK, which stimulates growth and increases the yield of vegetable crops.
- It was found that responses to fungal infection of spring barley seedlings with the fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana Sacc. (Shoem.) in leaf tissues containing chloroplasts or etiochloroplasts differ significantly in the structural and functional state of photosystem 2, the total content of reactive oxygen species, polyphenols, and the level of lipid peroxidation, which positively correlates (r=0.83) with the content of chlorophylls. The results obtained can be used to develop express methods for diagnosing the state of plants in a pathological process.
- The use of β-aminobutyric acid, salicylic acid and its derivatives, β-1,3-glucan as immunomodulatory agents that induce a complex of protective reactions in plant cells, including the generation of reactive oxygen species and activation of the salicylate signaling pathway, and increase the resistance of spring barley plants? fiber flax, tomato and cucumber to phytopathogens has been scientifically substantiated.
Developments and implementations
1. Film-forming compositions for rooting cuttings ;
2. Protective-stimulating compositions for a seed treatment;
3. The immunomodulatory drug «Immunact-GC»;
4. Method for producing polyphenols in plant tissue culture.