Scientific achievements and developments
For the entire period of the laboratory's existence
– It was established that oxidative stress induced by physicochemical factors in human blood cells is accompanied by the complex structural and functional rearrangements of their membranes – changes in the rigidity of the lipid bilayer with simultaneous structural modification of integral membrane proteins, inhibition of a number of membrane-bound enzymes, morphological transformations of the cell;
– The role of oxidative stress in the development of such diseases as ischemic heart disease, myelodysplastic syndrome, aplastic anemia, hemoblastosis, diabetes mellitus type 2, as well as pathology of pregnancy, is shown;
– It has been established that rise of the glutathione transferase activity and activation of membrane-bound transporters MRP family due to failure of the structural and functional state of the proteins and microviscosity of lipids are the important links in the pathogenesis of anemic syndrome in children suffering from pre-leukemic conditions and tumor malignant blood diseases;
– The main mechanisms of the asymmetric distribution of phosphatidylcholine in human erythrocyte membranes under the intracellular concentration of free calcium ions rise in health and disease were established;
– It has been shown that the functioning membrane transporters – P-glycoprotein and MRP1/ABCC1, in B-lymphocytes of donors and patients with B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia under the physiological conditions are regulated by the level of reactive oxygen species;
– It has been established that redox balance alterations in cells caused by treatment with anticancer drugs control the viability of lymphocytes of patients with B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia to a lesser extent than donor’s B-lymphocytes;
– It has been obtained experimental evidence about the important role of the MRP1/ABCC1 protein in maintaining redox homeostasis due to the activation of its transport function, but the importance of the cysteine-rich metallothioneins function in leukemic cells is reduced decrease;
– Extensive material on the membranotropic effect of microelements (lead, zinc, aluminum, selenium, etc.) has been accumulated. It has been established that toxic and potentially toxic metals damage the membranes of the blood cells of children at concentrations that are an order of magnitude lower than the maximum permissible. An increase in the expression of MRP-glycoprotein, associated with multidrug-resistant cells, in erythrocyte membranes of children in the presence of lead in the body is shown;
– It was shown that the interaction of amyloid fibrils with human erythrocytes in vitro leads to a modification of the structural and functional state of its membranes, to multidirectional responses from the cellular antioxidant defense system and to inhibition of lipid peroxidation. Similar changes in the activity of antioxidant enzymes and in the erythrocyte membranes lipid bilayer microviscosity which take place in patients with type II diabetes mellitus can be explained by an increase of serum total antioxidant activity;
– An inverse relationship between changes of the labile Zn2+ level and esterase activity of erythrocytes under in vitro oxidative stress modeling using H2O2 is revealed that testify about a role of the intracellular Zn2+ in the activation of programmed erythrocytes death. It was first demonstrated that joint action of H2O2 and Zn2+chelator TPEN removes the cytotoxic effect of H2O2, but Zn2+ addition to the incubation medium of erythrocytes with H2O2 result in the intensification its effects. It is established that one of the mechanisms leading to the H2O2-induced release of Zn2+ from erythrocytes intracellular binding sites is a decrease of the non-protein thiol groups content by reducing of GSH level;
– It is demonstrated an important role of zinc homeostasis (decreasing of cytosolic Zn2+ level) in the etiopathogenesis of diabetes mellitus type 2 and in the development of metabolic syndrome in general;
– It has been obtained the evidence about the existence of the regulative zinc homeostasis mechanisms in human erythrocytes failure of which can lead to the triggering of the processes of programmed cell death (eryptosis);
– It has been shown that aluminum ions, accumulating in human lymphocytes, to stimulate an increase in the ROS intracellular level and cause depolarization of mitochondrial membranes, which indicates that oxidative stress is the main mechanism of the development of the toxic effect of aluminum ions on cells;
– For the first time, the dependence of flippase activity from the structural state of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton components was shown, and an increase of caspase-3-positive erythrocytes in patients with iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease was revealed;
– It has been developed a method for detecting human B- and T-lymphoblasts using 1D photonic zinc oxide nanostructures;
– A cell-based test system was developed to determine the individual sensitivity to drugs under the human B-cell form tumors of hematopoietic tissues;
– A method for identifying markers of metabolic syndrome, which makes it possible to assess the risk of developing metabolic syndrome in pregnant women in early pregnancy by the change in plasma levels of iron, calcium, and lithium has been developed;
– The nature of intrinsic and probe luminescence of pathologically changed cells, tissue sampling and biological fluids (blood plasma, amniotic and synovial fluids, condensates of expired air) was studied under normal condition and with the different disease;
– A method for assessing the iron availability of the children organism.
Developments and implementations
Based on the obtained results the following express-methods of human disease photodiagnostics were developed, covered by patents and applied in medical practice:
– Method of malignant neoplasm diagnostics.
– Method of erythrocyte damage diagnostics.
– Method of differential diagnostics of mechanical jaundice and virus hepatitis.
– Method of differential diagnostics of pigmented villondular synovitis and those of other etiology.
– Method of cardiac decompensation diagnostics.
– Method of differential diagnostics of rheumatoid arthritis.
– Method of fetal growth restriction diagnostics.
– Method of estimation of the degree of exposure to lead acetate or zinc sulfate on human erythrocyte membranes.
– Method for determining bacterial cholesterol oxidase activity.
– Method for preclinical diagnosis of nephropathy in newborns.
– Method for the quantitative determination of labile zinc ions in erythrocytes.
– Method for predicting the development of resistance to an antithrombotic drug based on acetylsalicylic acid under ischemic stroke.