Staff members
Head of the laboratory

Anna G. Poleshko
In 2009 she graduated from International State Environmental University named after A.D. Sakharov, the Department of environmental medicine, a course in “Medical-Biological Work” with a specialization “Immunology”.
From 2010 to the present, she works at the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. In 2016 she defended her thesis: «The mechanisms of hypoxia influence on the functioning of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in culture» (supervisor: Academician, D. Sc., Professor - I. Volotovskii) in the specialty «Biophysics». Since 2020 she is head of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, since April 2023 - the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Cell Biotechnology of Cell of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the Belarusian National Academy of Science. Member of the Russian Regional Public Organization “Society of Regenerative Medicine”, the Belarusian Society of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists, the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, the Belarusian Public Association of Photobiologists and Biophysicists.
Tel. +375(017) 378 23 55
Currently, 13 employees are working in the laboratory of the molecular biology and cell biotechnology, including:
– head of the laboratory;
– chief researcher – 1;
– leading researcher – 2;
– senior researcher – 1;
– researcher – 3;
– junior researcher – 4 (4 Ph.D. students);
– laboratory assistant – 1.
5 persons have an academic degree: 1 doctor and 4 candidates of sciences.
Thematic scientific groups:

1. Thematic group of the biology of stem cell
Head of the group – I.D. Volotovski, academician, doctor of science, professor
2. Thematic group of the molecular biology of plant cells
Head of the group – E.M. Kabachevskaya, Ph.D.
3. Thematic group of the plant genomic
Head of the group – T.A. Gapeeva, Ph.D.