Ambulatory surgery
Complex treatment of inflammatory and degenerative lesions of the joints, ligaments, and periarticular soft tissues, as a rule, involves the local administration of drugs. Medical correction of the synovial environment of the joints allows you to achieve quick positive results. The department’s specialists have accumulated vast experience in using various methods of local injection therapy:
– classic intra-articular and para-articular blockades using short-acting local anesthetics, glucocorticoids, chondroprotectors;
– widely used injection prosthetics of synovial fluid using biosynthetic reparants based on hyaluronic acid;
– innovative methods of cell therapy for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, based on the use of biomedical cell products.
The radiosurgical scalpel ATMOS RS 221 allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of benign neoplasms on the skin and soft tissues. Using high-frequency radio waves, papillomas, warts, moles, and vascular “stars" can be removed without blood. The non-contact method allows you to remove neoplasms without scars and scars in such delicate and sensitive areas as the eyelids and border of the lips. The effect of tissue sterilization, when exposed to radio waves, significantly reduces the risk of relapse in the treatment of viral neoplasms, such as papillomatosis.
To remove larger neoplasms, the department uses a modern electrosurgical device EMED ES-Vision. For all patients, a full-fledged histological examination of the excised tissues is mandatory, with confirmation of their benign nature
You can get the additional information and make an appointment with specialists at the following phone numbers:
+375 (17) 378 18 21
+375 (44) 574 18 21 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram)