The Scientific Council
The Scientific Council (SC) of the Institute is a permanent elective advisory body of the Institute, which was created by scientific, methodological, information, and analytical support of the scientific activities of the Institute. The work of the CA is regulated by the Statute of the Institute.
The Board includes the Director of the Institute and his deputies, heads of laboratories, researchers who are leading specialists in their field, the chairman of the trade union cell of the Institute. The selection of members of the Board is carried out by a secret ballot of all employees of the Institute with a candidate/doctor of science degree. The composition of the council is approved by the Department of Biological Sciences at the Bureau of the Department. The Chairman of the Board is the Director of the Institute, the secretary is the Scientific Secretary of the Institute.
Meetings of the Academic Council are held in the director’s office (room 354) according to the approved plan as needed.
The Council includes:
1) Andrei E. Hancharou – Chairman, Director of the Institute, MD, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
2) Lyudmila M. Lukyanenko – Deputy Chairman, Deputy Director for Research, Ph.D.
3) Aliaksandra S. Skarabahatava – Scientific Secretary of the Council, Scientific Secretary, Ph.D.
4) Victar M. Abashkin, Researcher, Сhairman of The Council of Young Scientists of the Institute
5) Natalya G. Averina, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
6) Natalia G. Antonevich, Head of the laboratory, Ph.D.
7) Irina M. Bushmakina, Head of the research and production sector, Ph.D.
8) Valery G. Veresov, Chief researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences
9) Igor D. Volotovsky, Chief researcher, Academician, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
10) Elena M. Kabachevskaya, Head of the Laboratory, Ph.D.
11) Lyudmila F. Kabashnikova, Head of the Laboratory, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Assoc. Prof.
12) Zinaida B. Kvacheva, Leading researcher, Ph.D.
13) Elena V. Knyazeva, Deputy Director for Research and Innovation, Ph.D.
14) Sergei V. Pinchuk, Leading researcher, Ph.D.
15) Tatsiana A. Pazniak, Head of the laboratory, Ph.D.
16) Anna G. Poleshko, Head of the laboratory, Ph.D.
17) Svetlana M. Savina, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee, Senior Researcher, Ph.D.
18) Ekaterina I. Slobozhanina, Chief researcher, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
19) Ekaterina V. Shamova, Head of the laboratory, Ph.D.
20) Dmitry G. Shcherbin, Head of the laboratory, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Assoc. Prof.