The state program of scientific research “Biotechnology-2”
The state program of scientific research “Biotechnology-2" for 2021-2025, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 27, 2020 No. 438.
Government customers: National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
Scientific supervisors of the program: Academician Kilchevsky A.V.
The main objectives of the program:
- obtaining new scientific knowledge in the field of genomics, proteomics, metagenomics, metabolic, cellular biology, and microbiology;
- development of works on bioinformatic analysis of large genomic data and systemic biology;
- selection and design of microorganism strains – superproducers of biologically active metabolites and recombinant proteins;
- development of the scientific foundations of the creation of biotechnologies of the VI technological order for various industries of the national economy, biological drugs of medicine, veterinary, agricultural, food, energy, in demand by the economy of the country, new therapeutic biomedical cellular products;
- the creation of new promising forms and lines of plants and animals characterized by high resistance, productivity, and quality;
The development of approaches to the integrated use of renewable raw materials and waste to obtain economic products.
Program tasks:
- obtaining new scientific knowledge in the field of genomics and post-genomic studies of plants, animals, and a person aimed at identifying the structure, mechanisms for the formation, functioning, and interaction of complex genetic systems; development of work on system biology using CRISPRcas genomic editing technology, as well as on the bioinformatical analysis of large genomic data as a fundamental and methodological basis of the latest genomic biotechnology for agriculture, medicine, sports, environmental protection;
- obtaining new knowledge in the field of physiology, biochemistry, and genomics of microorganisms; selection and design of strains – superproducers biologically active compounds; Development of scientific foundations of the directional biosynthesis of target metabolites, the creation of biotechnology VI technological text and microbial drugs with improved consumer properties for various sectors of the economy; microbial conversion of renewable raw materials and production waste in economic valuable products;
- obtaining new knowledge in the field of molecular and cellular biology, cytology, biophysics, and immunology to create high-tech technologies and production of biotechnological products using the achievements of modern science in the interests of medicine, agriculture, environmental protection, and other sectors of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus.
The program consists of 3 sub-programs:
– “Molecular and cellular biotechnology-2" – the supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor A.E. Goncharov
The central coordinating body of the sub-program – State Scientific Institution “Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus";
– “Genomics, epigenomics, bioinformatics" – the supervisor Correspondent member,, Professor R.I.Shejko
The central coordinating body of the sub-program – State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus";
– “Microbial Biotechnology-2" – the supervisor Corresponding Member,, E.I. Kolomiets
The central coordinating body of the sub-program – State Scientific Institution “Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus."