TOP-10 results of the activities of scientists of the Academy of Sciences in the field of fundamental and applied research
Ekaterina I. Slobozhanina, head of the laboratory, corresponding member, doctor of biological sciences, professor; Alexander V. Tamashevsky, leading researcher, candidate of biological sciences; Yulia M. Garmaza, leading researcher, candidate of biological sciences, for the development of a highly sensitive method for recognizing pathological human cells using biosensors based on photonic zinc oxide nanostructures for the diagnosis of oncohematological diseases.
Sergey V. Fedorovich – for the establishment of mechanisms of synaptic transmission disturbance in neurons in animals during hypoxia, the correction of which helps to protect the brain from damage during ischemic stroke
Dmitry G. Shcharbin as a member of the team of scientists of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus – for obtaining fundamentally important results for the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders and neurodestructive pathologies, including genetic modification using dendrimers of nerve tissue cells in order to overproduce neurotrophic a factor that stimulates the restoration of the peripheral nerve. The obtained result shows the ways to solve the most complex problem of nerve cell regeneration
The team of scientists of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus – Dmitry G. Shcharbin, Inessa V. Galets-Bui, Svetlana Z. Loznikova, Olga G. Dmitruk – for establishing the fact that the complexes, including polyamidoamine and phosphoric dendrimers, are highly effective, non-effective ribonucleic acids for genetic therapy of malignant neoplasms