The Institute employs 1 academician and 2 corresponding members:

doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the NAS of Belarus (1994)
VOLOTOSKI Igor Dmitrievich (25.10.1939 b.y.)
I.D. Volotovsky - an outstanding scientist in the field of photobiology, biophysics, cell biology, and biotechnology
doctor of biological sciences, professor, corresponding member of the NAS of Belarus (2000)
SLOBOZHANINA Ekaterina Ivanovna (10.03.1945 b.y.)
E.I. Slobozhanina - a renowned scientist in the field of membrane and medical biophysics and bioelementology

doctor of biological sciences, associate professor, corresponding member (2017)
KABASHNIKOVA Ludmila Fedorovna (31.08.1956 b.y.)
L.F. Kabashnikova - renowned scientist in the field of plant biophysics and biochemistry
Academicians and corresponding members worked at the Institute:

doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (1940)
GODNEV Tikhon Nikolaevich (06.04.1893 - 29.10.1982)
T.N. Godnev - an outstanding soviet scientist, specialist in the field of the theory of education and the state of chlorophyll

doctor of biological sciences, professor, corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the SSR (1966)
SHLYK Alexander Arkadevich (01.11.1928 - 30.11.1984)
A.A. Shlyk - an outstanding soviet scientist, specialist in the field of biogenesis and the structure of the photosynthetic apparatus of plants

doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the NAS of Belarus (1994)
KONEV Sergey Vasilievich (19.01.1931 - 21.10.2005)
S.V. Konev - an outstanding scientist in the field of molecular and membrane biophysics

doctor of biological sciences, professor, corresponding member of the NAS of Belarus (1991)
CHAIKA Maria Tikhonovna (31.12.1929 - 30.09.1997)
M.T. Chaika - a renowned scientist in the field of chloroplast biogenesis and physiology of the photosynthetic apparatus

doctor of biological sciences, professor, corresponding member of the NAS of Belarus (2004)
MAZHUL Vladimir Mikhailovich (24.12.1939 - 29.08.2008)
V.M. Mazhul - renowned scientist in the field of biophysics and proteomics

doctor of biological sciences, assocoate professor, corresponding member of the NAS of Belarus (2014)
SHALYGO Nikolay Vladimirovich (14.11.1950 b.y.)
Шалыго Н.В. – известный ученый в области биофизики растительной клетки